laravel certified development agency_

Please contact us with your Laravel requirements.


what we do
Contact the laravel development experts

    why use laravel_

    Laravel is accessible, yet powerful, providing powerful tools required for large, robust applications.

    • Security: Many features to protect against XSS (Cross Site Scripting), SQL injection and many more. If any vulnerabilities are found, the Laravel team will patch them very quickly.
    • Large and active developer community: Building in a framework with many developers helps de-risk any business investing in a large scale system. Most popular PHP framework on GitHub.
    • Continuous Release Cycle: Laravel is constantly updating and adding new features. This is important when we are offering cutting edge technology to our clients.

    why use wirebox as your development agency?_

    Wirebox have been developing in Laravel since 2012 and we have developed thousands of applications for our clients.

    Our developers are Laravel certified and a part of the Laravel Community.

    A strong portfolio of succesful projects and happy Laravel clients.

    Consultants to understand business requirements, not just technical requirements.

    We have been using and developing PHP for over 15 years.

    laravel maintenance and support_

    Maintenance and Support is important for any web application. With Laravel’s continuous update cycle… it is important for your web app to be supported.

    Wirebox support hundreds of clients with software patching, Laravel version upgrades, and code optimisation.

    Speak to us today to see how we can support you.

    laravel hosting_

    Hosting and deployment pipelines are at Wirebox’s core. Hosting on various platforms including AWS, Azure and Digital Ocean. Our development processes and best practices grant the ability to monitor issues in real-time.

    We use a range of software for deployment strategies, including Forge and Ansible, and we are regularly testing new processes and software that become available.



    MS SQL Server





    working with businesses

    our database process_

    We have a 4-step process to creating a database that fits your specifications


    Extract, clean and merge data for statistical analysis.


    Create a comprehensive database model with all logical and physical choices in a Data Definition Language.


    Create a comprehensive database model with all logical and physical choices in a Data Definition Language.


    Simulate live activities to determine the database’s functionality.