our tried, tested and proven processes deliver project success for every client at our custom software agency, London

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we’re brand and digital delivery experts_

We don’t just design and build sites: we manage them and keep them up-to-date, providing them with fresh, quality content.


When taking the first steps on a project, it is important to listen. We begin to learn & understand more about your business.


With the key information that our consultants have gathered we begin analysing your requirements.


We’ll then go through the outline & begin defining the project internally.


We begin to turn your requirements into the desired solution through the highest quality of code and coding processes.


We employ the best QA testers to thoroughly test any development work that has been completed across a range of browsers and devices.


Delivering projects in the correct process


The journey doesn’t end when the project is finished, maintenance is key to maintaining any project longterm

we’re brand and digital delivery experts_

We don’t just design and build sites: we manage them and keep them up-to-date, providing them with fresh, quality content.

step 1_

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step 7_


When taking the first steps on a project, it is important to listen. We begin to learn & understand more about your business, the challenges that you are facing and the processes you want to improve. To do this, our consultants will ask questions and begin to map out how we can help your business grow.

  • Workshop to understand your requirements and to thrash out thoughts
  • Review the proposed architecture and challenge it
  • Review the audience types and challenge it
  • Review user journeys and challenge it
  • Gather brand assets
  • Logo artwork, colour palette, supporting typeface and direction for iconography, photography or illustration


With the key information that our consultants have gathered we begin analysing your requirements. This ensures that our solution meets them and offers more where possible. The outcome of the analysis stage is a clear outline of a solution that fits your vision of success. Our solutions architects will spend their time designing the initial wireframes based on the outline in order to streamline the development process.


We’ll then go through the outline & begin defining the project internally. Your aims and goals will be discussed and the development team will be chosen. This allows the team to align themselves with your aims and goals for the project and prepares them by defining their responsibilities.

  • Initial design (UX & UI) thoughts.
  • Initial rapid prototype of 2-3 functioning design ideas with interactive site.
  • Starts with simple hotspots moving to rollovers, drop downs if applicable.
  • We’ll work these ideas across Mobile & Desktop.


Our developers are our most valuable asset, they live & breathe digital to ensure that they remain at the forefront of their fields. Once their roles & responsibilities for a project have been defined, the development work gets underway. We begin to turn your requirements into the desired solution through the highest quality of code and coding processes. The development team is overseen by a dedicated project manager who will provide reports based on progress – Offering clear communication throughout the project.

  • The final functioning prototype sent to the delivery team.
  • Internal project kick-off meeting so developers understand roles & responsibilities for your project.
  • Regular updates based on work completed & milestones achieved.
  • Personal staging server to see our progress & your project come to life.


Bugs come with all development projects, no matter how good the team working on the project is. Which is why we employ the best QA testers to thoroughly test any development work that has been completed across a range of browsers and devices. All bugs found are reported to the project manager for clarity, the developers are then assigned to the relevant bugs to fix. Once fixed, another round of testing occurs. This is repeated until we’re happy internally, then we’ll pass the testing over to you.


Delivering projects on time isn’t our only goal. We focus on setting up all of the technical aspects like hosting environments so that you and your team can make the most of your new software. Any solution we develop should be simple enough for users to pick it up and go, if not, we’re more than happy to provide training sessions to ensure that the transition is smooth and enjoyable for all.

  • We have the final functioning prototype.
  • We will have tested across browsers.


The journey doesn’t end when the project is finished, technology & the needs of your business has the ability to change quite quickly with even the most advanced solutions requiring regular updates to ensure its longevity & security. 95% of our clients stay with us for the maintenance of their solutions through the relationships that we build during the previous stages.

our clear, concise and joined-up approach_

We put you at the centre of our thinking as we deliver results through our collaborative culture. Curiosity fuels our creativity across all services and sectors

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Two monitors on a desk